Monday, 12 March 2012

HBS Meeting

The Hitchin Boys School Council visited Whitehill School Council to discuss transition from Year 6 to Year 7. HBS School Council showed us a photo album of the main places, map and homework diary. We have decided that HBS will visit again to deliver an assembly, during that assembly HBS will show us a film and maybe some other ideas we discussed. Please post a comment below if you have any other suggestions about what will make a better transition.

School Council


  1. I think the transition would go smoother if the boys school, girls school and priory had moniters to help newcomers.

    1. hitchin boys student21 March 2012 at 18:23

      some schools have this but some just advise that you stay with a buddy.

  2. I think it would make transition easier if rather than having a meeting, a smaller group of people can have an informal discussion where year 6 member won't be afraid to ask questions.

    1. I do agree that would be a good idea so that every one is more comfortable about what they say.

  3. At the girls school you do get a buddy but the boys school you
    have a Y7 friend who is in your form usually. this is from Hitchin boys school

  4. hitchin boys student21 March 2012 at 18:26

    we could have like a semi transition day when we go off in small groups then we do what we would usually do on a normal school day at White Hill.

  5. Hector Duncan ( Ex-Headboy)29 March 2012 at 17:47

    maybe you could do what happened last year when pupils who use to go to whitehill come down to talk to year 7 to be
