Friday, 30 November 2012

The Blog

Dominic is going to show School Council how the blog works and how to do a post. The friendship week was a success as the Guardian Angels are now trained. Assembly on guardian angles was very helpful. New bibs are really affective. Friendship assembly and class mix up activity was a success.

School Council  


  1. i'm a guardian angel and i love my job and being nice to other's

  2. Hello my name is Bethany and i love my job because i like being nice to others and help if they look sad and if they have no one to play with we will find someone to play with them.

  3. That's what makes you great guardian angels!

    You are doing a fab job.

    Mrs Beresford

  4. I'm Anya and I am a guardian angel. If you are sad or have a problem in the playground we can help. just look for the people with the highlight jackets on and we will stop our game and help you.
